
How Do You Meet Fairies?


8 Answers

may quinlin Profile
may quinlin answered
Go out at dawn , twilight , midnight , on midsummer's night's eve , all solstices , and all full moons . If you are patient and lucky you may glimpse a fairy .
Vishva Kumara Profile
Vishva Kumara answered
Awake the child inside you, walk by a forest or a countryside, smell fresh flowers from the trees. Take a walk in the rain. Lay on a meadow and watch the dusk sky. You will find fairies everywhere. Be sensitive and gentle, and observe closely and slowly. They are everywhere, but most of us don't notice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, what I did was I left a note for them (the fairies) last night. I'm still waiting for a response. But I know you can find them by ponds, and flowers, and I heard somewhere that if you step in a fairy circle, a circle of dark green grass, or mushrooms, or both, you can hear their laughter, singing, and music.
Shalin Choksi Profile
Shalin Choksi answered
Fairies are a figment of a writer's imagination. They are fictional. They are a form of magical creatures such as goblins and gnomes. They have been existent in mythological and other supernatural stories. They are very beautiful women. They also have the ability to fly and grant wishes. Not all fairies are good. There are also some evil fairies. They usually protect the mankind from evil. They also have the power to cast spells and see the future. Fairies do not exist. The only way to meet the fairies would be meeting them in your dreams or use your imagination.
thanked the writer.
Deemarcas Day
Deemarcas Day commented
A lady I know sees and paints fairies and she tells me that deer are the messengers of fairies. In the area where I live, deer are over populated and all residents have had encounters with deer, often causing vehicle damage. Another animal author says deer are a sign of conflict. I believe both, cause one person I know who has had four encounters in a short period has a soul filled with conflict. This same person and I have sat on the porch at dusk and seen small lights or orbs that are common when one sees fairies. There is a special place in South Carolina where fairies seem to have a convention at certain warm times of the year, but have forgotten the exact community. Sorry I lost the chance to go last time, cause I believe they exist.
Anonymous commented
Well.... Don't tell everyone,but at a place in Lancashire,called Arnside (just north of Morecambe),there is a lovely hillside walk called "Fairysteps" and if you can go all the way without looking back,its pretty certain you will see one of our tiny friends!
Shirley McLean
Shirley McLean commented
You are absolutely wrong. Of course there are faeries. Just because you've never seen one doesn't mean they don't exist. You'll find them around flowers, mostly, around newborn babies and small children. Faeries choose to reveal themselves to humans. Apparently none have chosen you to be so lucky. And, for you, Deermarcas, you are right. Faeries hold "troopings", or meetings, conventions, whatever you want to call them, all over the world. Oh, you don't "meet" faeries; they find you .
Rhiannon xxxx Profile
Rhiannon xxxx answered
Hi, i am a fairy, nice to meet you. People think we live in the dark ages, but magic works via broadband too. Supershalz says we are very beautiful...sigh. It is true that some of us are evil. Those that are evil too long get turned into goblins and we throw rocks at them.
Vishva is well known to us, the big hippy, laying around on our magic circles all day. We will meet on a night of a full moon, watch the sky. X
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Delicious,Delightful comment, Rhiannon92! Cheered me up no end. May you always retain Humour deep down in your soul.
may quinlin
may quinlin commented
A-huh? Are you crazy ??????????????
Straw Boss Profile
Straw Boss answered
Try a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show

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