Should Religion Be Banned From Debates And Answers On Blurtit?


11 Answers

nettie Profile
nettie answered
I can not see religion being banned as a debate it allows for great and informative points of view,one does not have to share in the debate if they don't wish to and that is the democratic way, hope this helps.....
Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Of course not.

On the other hand when people give religious answers to secular questions just so that they can promote their own particular brand of superstition it becomes very tedious. (On Askaholics, we had three of them; they turned every question into a religious tirade, high-fiving each other constantly; when they continued uncontrolled for a couple of months, I reluctantly closed my account.)

Fortunately they've been kept on a leash here but in the past 24 hours I've noticed a resurgence, mostly posting anonymously. Trolls.

From the excellent, and entertaining web page Flame Warriors, meet  The Deacon. You'll probably recognise him.

"Be he a Baptist, Scientologist or Zoroastrian, in the heat of battle Deacon will call down Divine retribution on all net sinners, and will never miss an opportunity to blather endlessly about his religion. Deacon is fervent and earnest, but seldom contributes anything of interest or substance to the discussion."

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

" Should Religion Be Banned From Debates And Answers On Blurtit? "

Of course not. I get my greatest laughs from the ridiculous religious postings that appear hear from time to time.

Anthony Profile
Anthony answered
No.  This is a free and democratic country.  Isn't this what Blurtit is all about?  It allows us to comment, answer and debate others.

Lets keep an open dialogue, even with those we disagree with.
Cecelia Marble Profile
Cecelia Marble answered
No it shouldn't be banned.Everyone's entitled to their opinion.Isn't that why 9/11 happened? The terrorists were trying to to take away that freedom.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
"Religion" is a very vague term. Anything should be open to debate. Your lifestyle as affected by your choice of, or lack of, a religious influence does not mean you can not exist with others.
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered


Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Ty Hibb Profile
Ty Hibb answered

It is a very sad state of affairs when some one needs to be given an answer to this question.

Psalms 10:4 "In his haughtiness, the wicked man makes no investigation; All his thoughts are: "There is no God"

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