
Is there an original copy of the Koran?


5 Answers

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

In the same way that there is no original copy of the Bible, there is no original copy of the Koran. In some ways that is surprising, insofar as it is the work of one man and a few scribes, whereas the Bible is probably the work of hundreds. It was written over many years. 

There seems little doubt that it was revised, edited, rewritten, re-revised many times during it's inception (otherwise why would such a (comparatively) short book have taken so long?

1 Person thanked the writer.
Ray Dart
Ray Dart commented
And your point is?
John McCann
John McCann commented
@ Ray Dart

No point Ray, unless proselytizing is the point.
John McCann
John McCann commented
@ Just Ice

Is your name Ray?

Where is the ad hominem?

If I called you a wackaloon that would be an ad hominem. See the difference? You people go through the logical forms but I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

Stated facts?!?

You are pushing an ideology whether you know it or not. The subject, your particular holy book, is nonsense and you waste my time here. Goodbye.
Noor-ul-Elmah Hasan Profile

I think you want to read the Holy Quran. For that you may visit any nearby mosque or contact any Muslim in your vicinity. You will certainly get it. But make sure that if you don't understand Arabic you need to get its translation in your language .

elagouz hassan Profile
elagouz hassan answered

There is an original copy of the Koran in the chest of every Muslim who memorizes it. We see that all Muslims unlike others, never differ about the chapters of the Koran or its verses or its words or its accents or even its letters. The Koran memorized by an Arab Muslims is the same Koran memorized by an Indian or a Persian or a European or an American or a Russian or any other Muslim. Besides, the authentic copy of the noble Koran collected by our sir Abu-Bakr and put at the house of lady Hafsa daughter of Omar Ibn-Al-Khattab, was taken by our sir Othman and he made four copies and sent them to different parts of the Muslim nation of his time. 

The copy sent to Egypt is still kept in the Islamic museum at Bab El-Khalk in Cairo and it is called "The Mos-haf of Othman". There is another copy kept in the museum of prophetic remains in Astana in Turkey. They are the authentic copies from which are written and printed all the copies of the Koran until now.

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

What difference would it make if there were an original copy of this delusion? Why would anyone care?

Now to have an original copy of The Origin Of Species By means Of Natural Selection, Or The Preservation Of Favored Races In The Struggle For Life would be having something!

Sara Lewis Profile
Sara Lewis answered

There isn't an original copy of the Koran as a complete text, no.

The exact origin of the Koran and how it came to be is a contentious issue, and of course, nobody can really know for sure. Some believe that the original written copy of the Koran was completed by the prophet Muhammad during his lifetime, whilst others suggest that the Koran as we recognise it today was compiled by Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (Muhammad's companion and father-in-law).

It is then generally agreed by most that the Koran was canonised by Uthman ibn Affan, and a version of the teachings which were free from grammatical errors and with a 'true' interpretation of the message of Allah, delivered by Muhammad was created.

Excerpts from what is thought to be the oldest surviving copy of the text were discovered in 1972 in Yemen. Carbon dating puts the parchment as originating somewhere between the years 650-690.

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