The kindness in their heart, how they put others before themselves. My mom is like that.
I'd say it's a person who does good things without fear of consequences or hope of reward.
Which, of course, rules out anybody who only does good things because they're afraid of going to Hell or because they hope for riches in Heaven.
A person that has integrity and cares how their actions effect everyone else.
If the person was brought up right and remembers all that they were taught and strict to it is the majority of a good person but even then a good person makes mistakes too
I feel a good person is someone who acts toward others as they want others to act toward them.
The one who is making a good name with God, in word and in deed. (Ecclesiastes 7:1)
You mainly have to be called "Ray Dart".
A person that follows in the foot steps of Jesus Christ. He taught the law of Christ to his disciples and they benefited from following it.
That which YOU (The Asker) determines to be good according YOUR worldview.
I would say those that are considerate to other's well being and the continuation of making our world a better place.