Just for the record - No, I don't.
Do you believe that after the world goes to an end, there will be a judgement day? And all of us will be questioned for our deeds?
No, that sounds like something "Man" would make up . . . Is it?
Being that I have already been through hell, yes we are going to be judged. You don't believe so? Keep screwing up you will
Some day, a few million years in the future the Earth will come to an end, I would hope mankind has found a way to move on from this planet to others and continue on. But it will not be in our lifetime or that of our immediate children, but a our multi-times over great grand children. There have been 5 mass extinctions in the past but it didn't bring the world to an end, there maybe more in the future, but we are intelligent enough that our species should survive and move on. There is no judgement day, there is no morality check, it's just us as a human species.
No. Why would I believe such silliness without a scintilla of evidence?
Many think that one by one, billions of souls will be brought before the throne of God and judgement will be passed on each individual. Where some will be rewarded with heavenly bliss while others will be condemned to eternal torment. The bible however paints a different picture of this time period. God's word portrays it as, not as a terrifying time,but a time of hope and restoration..
When I read the phrase "judgment day," I thought about the song "One Tin Soldier."
I'm sure it's before the time of many of the members on her, so I will post a link for anyone interested: