What would it take for you to believe that there is a creator?


10 Answers

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

I would say the "Z" has a firm grasp of what is needed.

Public display that satisfies the skeptic's needs of evidence. For me it might be the creation of another planet just like earth, and a flight to it . . . 

An Omniscient Deity would know EXACTLY what each person's needs would be in this regard . . . And belief in God doesn't necessarily mean that He/She would have a devoted follower worshiping Him/Her.

The Abrahamic God could prove Himself, but then if He did those actions recorded in the Bible why would anyone worship Him? . . . Out of fear of Wrath? . . . Sign me up, I would be the first to martyr myself AGAINST following a God like that.

I would believe in them, but I wouldn't bow down to them.

Also, you will find EVERY Atheist is open to evidence and proof of anything Supernatural. We are the most open minded individuals you will find.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Ask yourself, what would it take for you to believe in winged, fire-breathing dragons?

A public appearance. Failing that, actual, indisputable physical evidence of dragons (or a creator). A claim supported by proof is called fact. Give me facts, not fables and allegories.

Professor Wonderland Profile

Nothing. I don't believe in that kind of stuff :)

Zack -  Mr. GenXer Profile

If or when the second coming goes down. Maybe when he/she pops up in front of me right now. Even then his/her identity would be suspect. Then again I would have to question wtf anything would just pop up in front of me like that.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

When he/she shows up on my doorstep and sits on my porch drinking a beer with me. Our discussion would focus on the true stories of the various religious books. Witnessing a miracle or two would also help.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered


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John McCann
John McCann commented
TJ thinks there is!
John McCann
John McCann commented

"Ask a few questions as "anonymous" and answer them as you do when you feel that you have been one-upped."


This is in a comment to me by Tom Jackson ( in this thread ). It is a lie and should violate some term of service here. To accuse another member of this kind of thing without evidence should be cause for a reprimand at least.
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
Duly noted and a report has been made.
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I am with Walter on this one. I have my own personal reasons and experiences as to why I believe. I do not share them with many people and will certainly not share them on the internet for the masses. (I have learned there are some hostile people in this world when you let them know you think differently than them. ) I do not force my beliefs on anyone an I don't want theirs forced on me. It is everyone's personal choice as to what they want to believe

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

"to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so"  (internet definition, bold type added by me)

3 of the 4 answers so far mention "proof" as a requirement.

Do these address your question?

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Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@John McCann

Well, John, I'll stick with being verbose---although not many would so characterize me thusly.

I prefer verbosity to the vapidity that you exhibit when you reach out beyond your formal training.

Ask a few questions as "anonymous" and answer them as you do when you feel that you have been one-upped.

Or take two aspirins and call me in the morning. I want you to feel back in control quickly, so I am giving you a choice.

And ponder this from the internet:

"Proof" is a much stronger claim than "Evidence"
John McCann
John McCann commented
"Ask a few questions as "anonymous" and answer them as you do when you feel that you have been one-upped"

You lie and will be reported for that lie.
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
Totally uncalled for Tom !

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