Ok, first of all it would have been impossible for the disciples to steal his body. There were soldiers guarding the tomb so that his body wasnt stolen. Some people then say that the soldiers fell asleep, but falling asleep on while on watch was punishable by death for a Roman sentinel(soldier) so no guard … Read more
No, even though they are famous they are only human. Celebrities are bound to make mistakes, we all do. The fact that they are usually role models for the younger generation makes it a little harder to determine the correct answer. But the easiest way to remove the problem of them being role models is … Read more
We know because of pictures on the walls of houses that have been excavated and on vases and things we have found. Also, the romans made sculptures of their famous warriors, we know from those too. Here is a basic design for roman armour:

The armour varied according to the soldier's rank but this is what the basic look was:

NO! Although salt doesnt need to be added to food and probably shouldnt be added, if the government can force chef's to not at salt where will it end? Once we give the government a little bit of lead way they will snatch up more. If we allow them to pass this bill, more bills will … Read more
Well, there is honestly not much that can be done, medically speaking. However, if you don't let yourself be bothered by what other people think it will show and people will see the real beauty that is within and not even worry about how many boobs you have. And believe it or not there are guys … Read more
No, they are wild animals and the trainers who work with them should know the risks. It is not right to punish an animal that has not been allowed to live in its natural habitat when it does something to harm a trainer (whether by accident or on purpose). Anyone who works with wild animals … Read more