Remarkable good Answer!
As the others said you get a mule or a hinny. Simple but they can never bread again mule's or hinny's!
Good answer.
Seal got his scars from a childhood illness called discoid lupus erythematosus. The illness is the reason for his baldness and the scars on his face.
Seal's Scars: Discoid Lupis Erythematosus … Read more
You can steal a person's life on the computer. Most of us do banking online, etc......
If hacked, the security will be breached and everything can be stolen....all your nbrs, phone nbrs...all of your contacts ...EVERYTHING....
It's like Eyewatcher says, most of us have a lot of our personal information on our computers, and if it gets hacked into, then they can take our information and gain access to our accounts, our addresses, everything that is valuable to us. People do this for a living; they are like parasites who take … Read more
Natural sugar foods like fruits and bananas and honeys
My politics are all inspired not by mundane politicians but by the views and opinions of Jesus Christ, via the instilling of the Holy Spirit.
You don't sound French to me, buddy.
France and England have been fighting with each other for most of recorded western history. When England committed to putting down the revolution in the colonies France knew that supporting the colonies would hurt England without risking French lives. It isn't so much that France cared about the colonies, it was simply an opportunity to … Read more
With war, there are declared and undeclared Allies; who have their own interests to protect. Yes France helped, so did the 'Native Americans, and probably 'The Dutch'.
- "Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it." - Braveheart
- "I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone." - The Lord of the Rings
- "I'm very discreet but... I will haunt your dreams." - The 40 Year Old Virgin
Clever Answer, Tony. ~~ Respect!!
I don't think I'd "tell" God anything. I'd have a chat about the chronic suffering that occurs in 30% of the World.
I would ask Him if He is able to sort out the pestilential daily morning traffic hold-ups on the London Orbital.
01134 Turn Upside Down It Says Hello
I have mine onece a day.
Maxine : You cannot un-follow me otherwise I will end it all and it will be down to you for un-following me.
Yes, Arun is also presently trying to altar the outcome, before Andrea drags him down the church navel onto the altar of the wedding sacrifice.