Surah Al-Fatihah, the first surah in the Al-Quran has 7 verses and the only surah that include the bismillah as one of its verse.
1. Bismillahi rahmani rahiim
2. Alhamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamiin
3. Arrahmanir-rahim
4. Maaliki yau middiin
5. Iiyaka na'buduwa iiyaka nastai'in
6. Ihdinas sirathal mustaqiim
7. Siratal laziina an'am ta alaihim, ghairil … Read more

Hmm... I'm not quite sure about the answer because the Bible was written in the time of Prophet Isa a.s. Who was sent down earlier than Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. But, The Holy Bible nowadays was edited by Christians until it had become wrong. So, it should be the Holy Quran which is older than the … Read more
I'm not quite sure that this is the right answer, but maybe there is something alike between a scale to measure weight - which I prefer to call it a "weighing scale" or a "bathroom scale" - and a protractor scale.
Inside a bathroom scale, there is the circular "dial", if I was not mistaken, … Read more