
What Is The Main Perception Of Buddhism?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Buddhism is a non-theistic religion that stresses the importance of leading a life based on dharma or righteousness. It focuses on the teachings of Gautama Buddha who lived in the period c.563 B.C ~ c.483 B.C.

Buddhism proclaims four noble truths about human life. They are: A) Everything that the man experiences is marked by suffering. B) Suffering arises from desire. C) To end one's suffering one should give up desire. D) To give up desire and end suffering one should follow an Eightfold Path.

The Eightfold Path for a right way of life as proclaimed by Buddha consists of Right Understanding, Right Determination, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.

Buddhism also proclaims five basic precepts or right practices for all followers. They are 1) practice love, 2) practice generosity and giving, 3) practice contentment, 4) practice truthfulness and 5) practice awareness.

Thus, Buddhism is not a religion based on any God or deity, rather it is a religion that preaches the right living to achieve the ultimate 'nirvana' or enlightenment in one's life.
thanked the writer.
jonny commented
Those aren't the five precepts buddy. Earn your stars!

1. To refrain from taking life. (i.e. non-violence towards sentient life forms)
2. To refrain from taking that which is not given (i.e. not committing theft)
3. To refrain from sensual misconduct (abstinence from immoral sexual behavior)
4. To refrain from lying. (i.e. speaking truth always)
5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness (refrain from using drugs or alcohol)
Anonymous commented
According to you, Gautama Buddha who lived in the period c.563 B.C ~ c.483 B.C. But some scholars say that it is between c.624 B.C - c.544 B.C. May I know how to calculate it, please.
Vishva Kumara Profile
Vishva Kumara answered
Basically there are five precepts given to the laymen.
Those are...

1) Avoid killing or harming a life.
2) Avoid stealing.
3) Avoid wrong sexual behaviour.
4) Avoid lying.
5) Avoid indulge in fermented liqueur.

These are not commandments but recommended for being a good person.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Perhaps no other classical philosophical tradition provides an intricate and counter-intuitive account of mind and mental phenomena rather than Buddhism, in the East or West.

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