
What Is The Buddhism Creation Story?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Buddhism doesn't have a creation story in buddhism everyone believes that instead of asking why or when or who just live in the moment. But I will not lie to you buddhism does have a creation story the story of how it's practices,rituals, and traditions began.

That story goes a little like this. After the Buddha died about 500 monks came Buddha's cousin and one other (I can't remember his name) first the other said he code of morality to everyone to the best of his skill and then Buddha's cousin recited the sutras (buddhas teachings) to everyone. Then all the monks talked and decided how to remember all of these things and finally when the had finished their deliberations the ideas of Buddhism were preserved through speech for almost 200 years then was translated into the other languages in India and Asia so it had to be written down.

I hope that has helped you with your question if not I apologize for my sei ignorance

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