No, it is defined as a Church.
Yes. A cult is defined as: Followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices. It's the exact same thing as religion, just less popular, and in our largely Christian society, cults are looked on with fear and prejudice.
Assembly God is as biblical as the Apostles taught it,Paul received revelation that the Old testament prophets did not have a clue about. Paul received divine revelation from the 2nd person of the Godhead, if you do not know the word Godhead Col. 2 chapter. Jesus was the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form. He spent 3 years praying meditating on old testament and Jesus himself revealed christology, practical christian living, 2nd coming of Jesus, Doctrine of the rapture, and several other teachings, OH The 2nd work of the Holy Spirit=baptism of Holy Spirit and the nine gifts of the Spirit refered to in 1 corithn. 12-14, I do not have my notes again, but many more doctrine's and/or revelations that are the inspired/God breathed words called epistles
Paul was a pentecostal and he even wrote in away that all believers are Spirit-filled with evidence of speaking /praying in tongues....He asked certain disciples in Acts 19,2 Have you recieved the Holy Spirit since you believed, He wanted to make sure they were filled with the Holy Ghost=Paul would be able to know( if )they prayed in tongues
Paul was a pentecostal and he even wrote in away that all believers are Spirit-filled with evidence of speaking /praying in tongues....He asked certain disciples in Acts 19,2 Have you recieved the Holy Spirit since you believed, He wanted to make sure they were filled with the Holy Ghost=Paul would be able to know( if )they prayed in tongues
Excellent answer Ziglag. This was a prophecy fulfilled according to Joel ch2:28-29..Acts 2: 15-21 and same chapter verses 39-41 and Jesus Himself said the same in Mark16:15-18 this was a promise that not only the Holy Spirit would be on you but in you and would anoint the church for service according to Acts1:8...Genaveve
Absolutley! All religions are cults. Some are worse than others. I have watched the AoG destroy my sister over the past 10 years.