What Do You Call Somebody That Believes In A Higher Being But Has No Particular Religion?


9 Answers

Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
I came up with the answer ' unchurched'.
thanked the writer.
Dr Snomel
Dr Snomel commented
It is highly possible to believe in "E" (God) and not have a religion because religion was created by man and not "E" (God). As you see in all religions the people seem to be brainwasher and fanatical. Religion as you see it is supported by the government and his a form and passification and control of the masses.
mike carlsen Profile
mike carlsen answered
They would be a deist, like several of the american founding fathers ;) though these days that term seems to have been replaced by "spiritual". Personally, i lean more towards pantheism, god in everything ;)
Dear lanadee Profile
Dear lanadee answered
A person who is seeking God.  The best thing, you don't have to worry HE will find you.  I know, He found me.  Try this experiment.  Ask God if He is real, and ask Him to prove to you that He exists.  I guarantee you, He will.  Take care!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I need a one word answer I already have a religion I am church of england this is in relation to somebody else
Dear lanadee
Dear lanadee commented
Then you ought to let people know we are helping you with your homework :-) That is different than wanting "help" ha Hope you find what you need. Take care!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Matthew 53

Happy are those conscious  of their spiritual need.

A person searching for the truth

t d Profile
t d answered
If they believe in god then a child of god, if not then I call them lost
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We would call them "Spiritual", as in a spiritual person. They would not be considered lost. Many religions, if not all, use and abuse their power to control people. A spiritual person looks for and answers to God or the what is also called the "source".
brian ward Profile
brian ward answered
Lost, but with hope, Christ can save this person. Just ask Jesus in his or her heart then we can rename this person Child of God.
Ashley Profile
Ashley answered
Agnostic... They are probably just confused. God still loves them as an individual, even if they ignore his individuality from other (fake) gods
Ty Profile
Ty answered
     Another "fold". This is the term used in a bible (biblia=book) that refers to souls outside of His "flock". According to the 'Gospel of Christ', the other "folds" are those races of humans who have been following a religion past on from their ancestors even beyond the establishment of christianity. The Avatar known to fundamentalist christians as Jesus Christ once stated the following statements, among many others, as to what is expected of souls as they are granted life: "...my flock know me as I know my flock...yet there will also be others who shall be saved as other folds."
     Anyone claiming to be part of any religion does not automatically grant them assured everlasting life for Christ also stated: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Mat 7:21) However, if any soul does not follow any particular religion, under any circumestances, does not automatically condemn them. "But he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved." (Mat 24:13)
     Names and entitlements for people are just that, in these modern times, unlike in ancient of days when a person's name defined who they were. Yet, a name or entitlement these days does not encapsulate or define a person. It is simply a way to identify a person in connection with a name from a family, such as the last name, a first name given by a parent or both parents, or an entitlement that describes a person's trade or profession.
     Belief and faith. One who believes in a "Higher Being", can still be a candidate of the "new heavens and new earth", to become as an active participant in the Kingdom of Heaven when it is eventually established on this planet, however, it takes more than simply believing. It is by faith and not by works alone that anyone may have a chance to be saved, even though one is not part of any particular religion. If one is privy to the Gospel of Christ and also practices random acts of kindness throughout their life, this does not automatically cause one to be religious.
     A religious person is one who maintains a particular mode of beingness, whereby, a cermony or group of ceremonies become habitual practices in the daily life of a religious person, which often includes membership in a church of those with similar religious backgrounds or a denomination. This also includes those who may choose to participate among a congregation that is comprised of non-denominational participants.
     Spiritual or religious. A person who is religious is not necessarily spiritual for there are distinct differences between them. A religious person will focus on quoting scriptures from a set of guidelines set forth by an Avatar, and a spiritual person would simply refer to universal principles of duality or of good and evil. Just as it is most commonly known in North America with Jesus Christ and the Gospel, that includes denominations that encompass christianity such as: Catholic, Baptist, Protestant, Adventist..etc...yet, within these denominations there are also noticable differences.
     Furthermore, members within each of these denominations will proclaim that the practices of other denominations are not biblically sound or religiously correct. Nevertheless, we are all spiritual beings having human experiences regardless of the classifications that one may place upon another. Basically, anyone who believes in a "higher power" but is of no particular religious affiliation is a spiritual person.

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