Of course I am afraid of God! I feel his fear every day!
No, I am not afraid of imaginary beings.
Yes, I am scared because I want go to Heaven when I die, I've heard too many stories of people dying and going to the gates of hell, they were getting a warning from God of what could happen if we don't follow him.
People are afraid of God. We hear all the time of "God fearing" people but I don't think they mean that they believe that God will do terrible things for no good reason, but rather that they are afraid to do evil as God will be unhappy with them.
For non-believers, it is just a case of living by their own moral code. I don't need to go to church to learn that I shouldn't kill anyone because I already know that this is wrong, and I have no desire to hurt anyone. I don't lie, cheat and steal for the same reasons.
Personally, I have never understood the "fear of God".
As I said earlier, I think it is more to do with His judgement and how we will spend our time in the next life that people are afraid of, rather than God himself, but we each have our own minds and believe what we choose.
To fear that which is NOT is a waste of energy.
I found an interesting description of how fear and the "God Concept" worked hand in hand. As we evolved from our lower primate type group to the humans we are now, we had many more predators. A rustle in tall grass we could pass off as the wind or err on the side of caution and consider it might be a predator. Those creatures that had the instinct to err on the side of caution tended to live longer because more often then not, it wasn't wind . . . And so those without the instinctual fear were food.
We tend to "Fear First" just in case as part of our natural instinct. But upon embracing reality and logic, we SHOULD be moving beyond that Particular fear . . .
let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may
receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
For those who know God, there is no reason to be afraid. For those who reject God, there is every reason to be afraid.