
Which Ancient Greek Myth Is Based On The Changing Seasons?


10 Answers

Kate Glatte Profile
Kate Glatte answered
Because one day Persephone was in a feild picking flowers when hades saw her, he told one of his men to go capture her and bring her to him. When she got there he offered her pomegranate (the fruit of the dead) she took it and ate. He then told her that she had to stay there because by eating the fruit she was stuck there, after 6 months she had, had enough and begged him to let her go, he said no, but his "helper over heard, he went back to the earth and told Demeter (Persephone's mother) what had happened to her. Eventualy Hades agreed to let Persephone go back to her mom 6 months out of the year. The story behind it says that when Persephone was in the underworld her mother grieved and the weather got bad and the crops wouldn't grow, and when she got to go back and visit her mother Demeter would be happy and make the weather warm and help the crops grow. (Demeter is the goddess of crops and harvest)
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
Like many other cultures, the ancient Greeks had a story to explain why we have summer and winter. Demeter, daughter of the ancient Titans, was the Greek goddess of fertility and crops. She was supposed to have the power to make the corn grow, and her name is associated with many fertility cults. One day Demeter's daughter, Persephone, was snatched by Hades, god of the underworld, and taken away to be his bride. In the underworld Persephone pined away and wouldn't eat, while on the earth her grieving mother stopped caring for the crops. They stopped growing and winter came for the first time. In the end it was agreed that Hades should let Persephone go, but as she had now eaten some pomegranates from his realm, she could never be completely free of it. finally it was agreed that she should divide the year between earth and Hades. Every year, spring begins when she returns to earth.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

chicken is my life and freedom is not donald trump

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because Hades was in love with the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, Persephone. Hades went directly to Zeus and asked if he could marry Persephone, who was the god of nature, Zeus agreed to the marriage. Hades showed her the most beautiful flower and she unknowingly went to the underworld. When she was there flowers and plants withered and died but when she had to come back she couldn't. Because she ate six pomegranate seeds and she had to stay there for six months and after six months she comes back and trees and plants grow again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Demeter(goddess of harvest) was on earth with her daughter.Hades needed a queen to help rule the underworld.He kidnaped demeters daughter and gave her a thrown of power.Demeter was sad every were she walked trees lost leaves flowers died and ice formed.Zeus was furious of his brother hades kidnaping demeters daughter he made hades give her back to demeter 2/3 of the year which is summer winter is when demeters daughter gos to the underworld.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The experiences Persephone had and the relationship with her mother caused the four seasons to form

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