How Do I Design A Program For A Pastor's Installation Service?


3 Answers

Alex Wheeler Profile
Alex Wheeler answered
There are numerous ways to design a programme for a service. These are most easily done on a computer with a certain type of publishing software. The easiest and best software to use for developing a brochure or programme is Adobe Indesign or Quark 7.

Adobe Indesign is one of the most intuitive pieces of software to use to make a brochure and there is plenty of information on how to use it online including the Adobe website.

When designing a program, make sure to follow some rules for the best effect.

Ensure that the program is colourful as this will make it eye catching and go a long way to making it look attractive.

With this in mind, less is more, so make sure that you don’t go overboard with fonts and the like as it may cause confusion for readers. Make sure to use up white space to break up and make text clearer.

Content is king, so ensure you have some top quality content in there that is relevant to the installation service.

Photos are also a great way to brighten up any piece of literature and will also go a long way to telling a story; remember a picture tells a thousand words.

Make sure that you use discretion and ensure that what is written is clear and gives people as much information in a glance as possible.

After you have finished creating it use a proof reader to make sure everything is spelt correctly. If you don’t have a proof reader get a few people to look over it looking for mistakes in the text.

Use a professional publisher for the best results as they have the best equipment for good quality printing.
Dear lanadee Profile
Dear lanadee answered
What are you asking?  What is included in an installation service?  My advice would be to contact other churches in your denomination for a sample of an installation service that has already taken place.  Each denomination would handle this matter differently.

If you are asking for a sample of a bulletin, used at an installation service, here is a link to a PDF file containing one:
I hope this helps!
Caleb Gosa Profile
Caleb Gosa answered
You start with Matthew 10:36 then go to Luke 14:26 and remind the pastor not to use any words in these verses as different than God inspired. I have NEVER met a RELIGIOUS LEADER  since 1939 that didn't twist these words TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT.

After installing those verses, present Acts 7:47-48 & 17:24 into him and tell him the TRUTH that GOD DOES NOT DWELL OR LIVE IN CRAFTED TEMPLES but ask him not to change God's inspired words TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXTS and make his congregation think that God's ability to inspire the Bible is not as good as his/her ability. If he does, notice him/her turn God's words into LIES.(1st Corinthians 14:34-35 tells about sunday school teachers)

Luke 6:20 ''Blessed are the POOR, theirs is the kingdom of God.

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