What Are Some Changes The United States Has Made To Policies Concerning Treatment Of Muslims And Arabic Members Of Society?


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Samantha Mitchell Profile
Since the attack of September 11, the United States has implemented many new policies. As it did during other periods of war, the United States placed more consideration on certain ethnic groups as being possible dangers to the United States. Under the terrorist laws there have been changes in how one can detain a suspected person. Racial profiling has also become an important factor in the policy changes.

One thing has remained true within the policies concerning treatment of any ethnicity including Muslims and Arabs who are legal members of the US society. Policies state that one must treat any person including Muslims and Arabs with respect.

Only when there is evidence of terrorist acts or suspicion of one being involved with terrorist acts may the police and other governing bodies react by interviewing possible suspects. While racial profiling is a necessary part of determining who is suspicious, all law enforcement officers are reminded that other ethnicities can be involved in terrorism, therefore they are given the protocol to react to anything they deem suspicious by following proper procedure in determining if there is a threat or not.

To find out more regarding what has changed, you might find a recent publication of the new terrorist laws in which policies concerning anyone suspicious will be outlined. Old news archives will also have some information about policy changes that have been made to increase the security of Americans.

In no way are there any policies in which ill treatment of any citizen sanctioned when that person has yet to be proven guilty. The means to prove guilt or innocence have changed slightly in how a person can be detained until a possible threat is straightened out, but it goes for anyone that may be a threat and not just a specific ethnicity.

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