Is Scorpio Compatible With Gemini?


10 Answers

Maud La Roux Profile
Maud La Roux answered
No, not usually anyway, although I have known Scorpio and Gemini couples to work. However, usually they don't.

They simply do not have a great deal of attraction initially, which means they find it hard to form a meaningful bond with each other.

The fundamental difference between them is the way they express their feelings and emotions - vital for a relationship.

Gemini tend to keep their true feelings to themselves, and to sort them out in their own way, whereas the Scorpio is extroverted, expressive and freedom-loving.

Gemini and Scorpio.
  • There are two fundamental issues which makes the match between these two difficult. Geminis are simply not intriguing enough or deep enough for the Scorpio, whereas the Scorpio is not intellectual enough for the agile mind of the Gemini.
  • Both these signs have a manipulative streak which their partner needs to watch out for. This can lead these two to have more than their fair share of conflicts if they do find themselves in a relationship together.
  • Scorpio loves to figure out and delve deeply into the mind of their partner. However, the Gemini finds it difficult to share this sort of information with the overly-intrigued Scorpio.
  • Scorpios also need lots of time alone, to figure out their thoughts and plan their next adventure. This does not always mix well with the Gemini.
Unfortunately, these two will find it extremely difficult to form a worthwhile partnership.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Gemini are compatible with Scorpio for the simple reason that they are opposites, they balance each other out. Gemini and Scorpio can learn from each other, and though yes, there are conflicts it's simply because of differing ideas. But, whoever said a conflict couldn't be worked out?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know many Scorpio and Gemini couples who are married and believe me they have much respect and love for each other.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes they are. I'm a male Scorpio and I have a sister-in-law who is a Gemini and we get along well. She is intelligent, funny, sweet, sexy, reserved and loyal friend but if she loses her trust in you or someone takes advantage of her, well this is where you see her evil twin come out, her mouth will shoot some lethal words but very rare and forgives easily.

Devoted wife and mother. Can talk to her about anything and love the fact she gives great advice, she make me see the other side of issues and I do the same for her. I got to find myself a Gemini women.
sam i am i am sam Profile
If the scorpio is a sex hound, and the Gemini blows him off, that intrigues him and he has to chase her. If the woman is Scorpio, she might pursue the Gemini which might work okay for a while if jealousy can be kept in check, and if the Gemini sees her as a twin and accepts her ways.

A good married life is two people who love and respect each other, who note each other's differences and find ways to get along and stay together. Where that is present everything else works.

Geminis can be good partners when they see their mate as a twin, a true soulmate. It's fun and breezy for them, if so! And Scorpions won't let go when they care deeply.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a Gemini married to a Scorpio and it can be done! And shame on you by the way for putting us gemini's down on long-term relationships. The only relationships I have had have been long term and I've been married for 6 years.

We do feel at times as if we are on opposite sides of the planet. Me being a communicator, laid back, and outgoing, and him more quiet, lacking emotion, and an introvert. But it's almost as if our vast differences keep pulling us closer with a force I have never felt before, even with my most compatible zodiac signs.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No and yes. If you are Scorpio woman you have to let a lot roll off your shoulders. Come out of your protective shell and live a little to keep the Gemini man happy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes Scorpios are compatible with Geminis. I'm a Gemini and I'm with a Scorpio now and we're just fine, the sex is wonderful, we find each other someone we can lean on and we have wonderful conversations. Geminis are very freaky sexual-wise and so are Scorpios, that's why I get along with my man.
Yen Ching Profile
Yen Ching answered
Well, I'm a Gemini female and my husband is a Scorpio. Truthfully, I think it depends on the person.

I've dated two other Scorpio guys in my younger days, and found them both very secretive in nature and depressing a lot of the time. I thought both of them had  some kind of schizophrenia/bipolar genetic disorders. They both suffered from paranoia and blamed others, ie. Family, friends or me for their frustrations from work and life in general on a constant basis and refused to shoulder their own responsibilities. So I decided I was done with that and moved on.

However, my husband is mature, honest, and pretty much a very capable Scorpio. He's a man's man but also very compassionate and loving. And of course, I'm addicted to how passionate he is and respond in kind.

I believe he cherishes my independence and how progressive I am. He tells me how much he loves that about me compared to the Pisces ladies he had relationships with before, who had co-dependent issues.

In any case, I believe it can work. Astrology is fun, but you can't read into it too much since everyone's personalities also include their families, upbringing, friends, backgrounds, etc.

From a Gemini.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Scorpio is a water sign and gemini air.

Put air into water and you get lovely bubbles. Put water into air and you get soft, fluffy clouds - provided that there's not too much pressure.

We all know though, what happens to a fizzy drink if it's shaken. We also know how atmospheric pressure can cause water in the atmosphere to turn into something very cold and clammy. Air and water go well together - most of the time.

Air sign people provide intuitive water people with much-needed intellectual perspective. Water people return the compliment by compensating for the Air person's dry attitude. But while they can visit one another's domain, they cannot remain in it for long. The bubbles go flat after a while. Likewise, the clouds tend to disperse.

This relationship has to be constantly renewed and revived. It is though, well worth the maintenance.

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