Voodoo comes from Africa to westerns areas and then spread so fast to Asian countries. Voodoo is basically some religious faiths and beliefs. the word voodoo basically means"worship" or getting assistance from divine powers. The Voodoo comes from western African word"vodun" means spirits.
Voodoo is estimated to be almost 10000 years old. Different ethnic groups basically provide such circumstances in which the Voodoo is created. Voo and Doo are two words mean view you. In the Voodoo's there is believe that nothing and no event has life of its own. Every thing creates some effects on the other thing. According to voodoo's we are mirrors of each others. They have strong faith on their religion. Music and dance ceremonies are the main element of their culture. They named their parties as "voodoo parties" or "night dance parties". According to them by dancing they create connection with the spiritual world.
It is an important religion and it is playing an important role in community. Voodoo has also adopted some features form Christianity as well. As voodoo is one of the oldest religion of the world but it is characterized as barbaric and primitive based on superstitious belies.