
What Is Caleb In Bible?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
(In Hebrew the Name means to follow God with all your heart. The root meaning of cal (first part of caleb) means all of. The 2nd part of the name means a dog. It was the name Adam gave to the dog. The dog is the animal that loves his master faithfully. A dog always wants his master and follows after him, therefore Caleb has the connotation of loving God with all he has to give.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Caleb was a young man with Joshua (the end of the story of Moses) who was full of faith and the two of them became the ones to lead the younger generation of Israelites into the Promised Land and they were successful in conquering and overcoming all of the giants and strongholds that the older generation initially saw. 

The name Caleb also means "conquerer, and full of faith."  I named my son Caleb for this reason!

carlene welch Profile
carlene welch answered
Numbers13:1-33 Calab was one of the spies out of many vs4-16..that the Lord told Moses to search out the land of Caanan which was to be given to Israel. The land was good and full of milk and honeyvs27 but they all except calab and joshua brought back a very bad report! And said the people were too strong to defeat showing unbelief in God! Vs.28,31,32,33. Calab brought a good report vs30.. God saw that Calab had a different spirit which was faith and belief in the living God that was more than able to defeat them!Num 14:24.. Because of Israels unbelief they were not allowed to go in but wander in the wilderness for fourty years!Num.14:33.Joshua and Calab were allowed to enter in and their families Num.14:38...Genaveve
Sja BenAlex Profile
Sja BenAlex answered
Caleb was one of the twelve spies who was sent to spy out the land of Jericho, out of the twelve himself and Joshua stood firm that God was able to deliver the city into their hands.

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