Is It A Sin For A Christian To Scream And Be Rude To Their Parents, If They Only Do It Because The Parents Have Done Some Atrociously Unfair Things, And Also To Make Parents Listen?


4 Answers

Christopher Adam Profile
The fact that you are asking this question shows that you take your faith seriously and that you try to act in a moral and ethical way. Nevertheless, screaming, yelling, or being aggressive and rude is not a very effective way for a son or daughter to make his/her parents listen. In fact, screaming and being rude to anyone is not a good form of communication, as it makes the other person feel that he/she is being attacked, resulting in a defensive attitude. This will make it much more difficult to overcome differences.

According to Christian teachings, being rude to anyone (and certainly to one's parents) is, indeed, a sin. According to Catholic teaching, however, this could fall into the category of a venial sin (which is less serious), or a mortal sin (which is very serious), depending on the circumstances and on your intentions. It may also simply be what we call an "imperfection," if the root cause behind the screaming and rude words is a lack of patience, or an inability to appropriately channel one's frustration. Nonetheless, being purposefully rude, with the intention of hurting your parents, goes against the fifth commandment, which calls on everyone to honour their mother and father.

Parents are not perfect--after all, they are simply human and they do make mistakes. If you can show your parents that you are mature and can sit down with them and calmly tell them that you think what they have done is unfair, or inappropriate, they will be far more likely to listen, as you will not appear offensive and they will see that you are genuinely trying to solve this situation.
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P..... A.....
P..... A..... commented
There's no mention of a venial sin or mortal sin in the bible. Because God is so Holy, Pure & Perfect, all sin is a serious crime against God. As humans we try to put a measurement on the severity of our wrong doing but God says because we have sinned, we deserve the death penalty - eternal separation from Him. But in His great love for us he provided a way for us to be forgiven, but the forgiveness is not automatic - we must put out trust in His Son Jesus - the one who died for us.
Gillian Smith Profile
Gillian Smith answered
It's not a good idea to scream and be rude to parents whether you are a Christian or not.
You won't get your parents to listen to you or believe that you are mature by this sort of behaviour.
You have to see your parents point of view too. if you had a younger child in front of you screaming and being rude what would you think and do?

You should ask your parents to sit and listen to what you have to say, do it calmly and politely and perhaps they'll take you seriously and listen. They are being unfair from your point of view but if you're screaming every time you get frustrated it will make the situation a lot worse. You are entitled to an equal say but that's in the form of polite and controlled behaviour.
Try treating yourself and your parents with a bit more respect and then you get nearer your Christian values. They might listen when they can hear you properly.
Mia Teeliumtrozzle Profile
It is not a Mortal sin, it would be a Mortal sin if you did it because you wished to make God sad.If you used bad language or violence it is a venial sin, but if you did not, then it is not a sin at all, since you are genuinely only doing it because your parents are being unfair, and also because you need to get them to listen.It may, as Mackenzie says, be an imperfection, but Lord Jesus doesn't mind imperfections, because they are not sins and almost every person has them, even you don't need to worry.
thanked the writer.
P..... A.....
P..... A..... commented
Please look up the bible reference for what you are saying. Jesus said that if we even hate our brother we are guilty of murder. See how mucher higher His standards are than ours? He considers it murder of the tongue & of the heart if we say, do or think mean things to/of someone. As humans we think murder is only physical. See how much lower our standards are than His? When we stand before Him in Judgement it won't matter what we think. The Judgment is by His Standards. Any Questions?
Alicia Sexton Profile
Alicia Sexton answered
Remember one of the commandments, Honor thy Father and thy Mother. Since the Holy Ghost gives us understanding, then maybe pray for the Lord to have the Holy Ghost give you the knowledge if you are indeed "Honoring them", no matter how ridiculous you think they may be acting at the time. If you are indeed committing a sin, you will feel convicted of it, and you won't need anyone telling you what they think, you'll know in your heart.

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