Do our rights come from God or do they come from the government? Didn't Madison say that, "Our Constitution is made for a moral and religious people"?
As citizens of a country, human rights are determined by national agreement, which may be seriously different, depending upon the nation one is a citizen of. And those rights- or perceived 'lack of rights'- are what the citizen enjoys.
Jehovah God expects those who are loyal to him, to obey the laws of their countries, and act within the limits of those rights.
However, Jehovah's view of human rights, is different than man's. Do humans even have 'rights', before Jehovah?
"To Jehovah, the earth belongs, and everything in it, the productive land and those dwelling on it."- Psalm 24:1
However, all those loyal to Jehovah, enjoy his protection and "loyal love". He, Himself negates the need for human rights, for He as established His absolute desire and intent to ensure that human happiness, security, dignity, relief, confidence, future, unity, education, variety, equality, justice, purpose, environment, and much more, are set in place indefinitely!
No constitution or human edict, can accomplish this. And no presumption of divine favor, can bring it about, or enforce it.
"And the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full. They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bear children for distress, because they are the offspring made up of those blessed by Jehovah, and their descendants with them. Even before they call out, I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear."- Psalms 65:23-24