
Why do atheists constantly talk about God if they don't believe in him? Why can't they let religious people just live?


12 Answers

Moga Deet Profile
Moga Deet answered

Nobody's bothering you.  You just can't stand to hear another opinion.  In countries where religious people are persecuted, it's by other religious people, not atheists.

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

I never talk about god unless someone asks a question.

Then I do give my opinion.

But I agree with the  (unspoken) point that religion is a divisive issue. And I think that is the real problem.

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Let's remember for both sides of atheist & religious people, only "some" of them bothering the other one. So it's not covering "all" only "some".

Then, I would ask you the same question, I as far as I remember this is religious people who put their head into other's business. Can religious people let go of atheist & let them live their lives please ? I mean please. Some religious people disrespecting atheists by praying for them loud in front of them, calling them names such as "unsaved, foolish, unwise, blind,lost" , everything happens they talk about god over & over, they advise atheists & bother them & they name it as they are try to save them & guide them through what's the true which is another disrespect. Over times in different places & also social sites, religious people coming along with questions such as:

-How can I guide my friend through the truth ?

-How can I open my husband's eyes through god's words ?

-My friend is lost, I really wanna help him, I just don't want him go to hell, is there anyway I could save him ?

-If atheists don't believe in god, what they live for ?

-If atheists don't believe heaven & hell,what they think they're going ?

-What reasons atheists have for living if they don't believe god ?

So how about finally religious people put their head into their own business & stop bothering atheists & stop disrespecting them & stop acting like you know everything because you believe in something means your believe are only right & truth, can those type of religious people stop it ? Can they put their heads into their own business ? Can they stop forcing their belief into other's throats ?

I assume as fast as they stop it, those type of atheists will stop as well.

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

Why do theists constantly talk about atheism when they dont believe in it? Why cant they just let atheists live?

It works both ways.

Not Online Anymore Profile

Theism isn't the same as religion, however there are different atheistic religions. These people are expressing their opinions based on their belief's, same as you. What gives you the right, but not them? Just because they don't believe in monotheism or polytheism doesn't mean that can't talk about what they do believe in. Get a grip, seriously! It's not very Christian like to express this sort of opinion about others. Maybe you should read up on the subject to save yourself the embarrassment of ignorance. Funny how you posted this as "anonymous". 

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Oddly, most atheists know much more then your average Christian when it comes to Scripture both in context and original meaning. Since MANY were once believers and found our way to Atheism by REALLY studying the Bible and many other religious texts . . .

The problem is as a believer you should be ashamed if you are unable to stand your ground when it comes to discussing your beliefs . . . For this you try an ward us off with post such as these . . . You SHOULD be using those posts to study more of the Word of God, to be able to refute our positions . . . This isn't a problem, it is an opportunity.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Personally, I NEVER talk about God or religion unless some well-meaning person begins to witter on about it.

I DO respond to religious posts on sites like Blurtit and Ask for the very good reason that there are lots of kids on here who, if they were raised in the US, may have had religion force-fed to them from birth. They deserve to know that all the self-righteous posturing, all the fear of eternal damnation, is a load of old cobblers. Kids are vulnerable and shouldn't be forced to believe outmoded superstition.

Religious door-knockers at my place can expect a firm but fast, "Thank you for calling but I'm not interested. Good bye." If they persist, all bets are off, and I may have some fun at their expense.

One woman who visited my home with her ;daughter --a personal friend -- spent the first 15 minutes trying to convert me. I backed off for her daughter's sake and the wowser (Australian slang for amateur ayatollah) said, "What about your kids?" I explained that my kids were hopeless and she said, with some feeling, "No child his hopeless." Which led to this shouted snippet with my son, who was in another room.

Me: Hey, Geoff!
Geoff: Whazzup?
Me: Knock, knock.
Geoff: Who's there.
Me: Jesus.
Geoff: Jesus who?
And that's when I turned back to the woman and said, "Now tell me they're not hopeless."  Her daughter said they don't mention my name to her any more.
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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
I once invited a pair of JayDubs inside. I introduced them to my wife and son but when they walked over to shake hands I said, "Don't touch them. They have hepatitis." The two women stopped, looked, realised they both had yellow skin, and cringed near the door till I opened it and let them escape.

We never saw those two again, either. :)
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
You must have a fearsome reputation. :)
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
You must have a fearsome reputation. :)
John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

Because religious people are always pushing their gods and their god's prescriptions for living onto the rest of us.

Quite disingenuous of you to pretend you do not know this. From religious nut bags showing up at your door early Saturday morning to Kim Davis trying to impose her insane beliefs on others there is no letting people just live. 

Keep you delusion to yourself and your nose out of other people's lives and atheist won't talk about you or your delusions.

Cookie Hill Profile
Cookie Hill answered

I think the reason why is they feel they are knowledgeable when it comes to explaining that their is no God, and when a person understands that, they are enlighten.  I always think of what is said at Proverbs 16:25,"There is a way that seems right to a man, But in the end it leads to death."

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I think it involves a nagging doubt that as long as "believers" exist, an atheist can never truly be intellectually comfortable with his position.

And I suspect that doubt is probably put there by God.

But as a believer, I personally can easily find a place for the atheists in my view of creation.  When I try to conclude that there can be believers from the standpoint of atheism, I am not able to reach a satisfactory explanation for such a setup.

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Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
Let's formally dissect your statement - "I think it involves a nagging doubt that as long as "believers" exist, an atheist can never truly be intellectually comfortable with his position.

And I suspect that doubt is probably put there by God.

But as a believer, I personally can easily find a place for the atheists in my view of creation. When I try to conclude that there can be believers from the standpoint of atheism, I am not able to reach a satisfactory explanation for such a setup."

Believers exists for the simple reason of Indoctrination. There isn't some supernatural force converting Atheists to Theism there is simply children whom love and trust their Theist parents who provide them with shelter food and care. Children feel rewarded when they think "In Line" with the doctrine taught to them and shunned when they do not. Penalty and reward are is all part of conditioning and conditioning is a desperate try to hold onto a dying myth.
Do yourself a favor, try not to "conclude" anything on behalf of the atheist, you are simply not equipped for such a task. We Atheists know EXACTLY why there are believers.
John McCann
John McCann commented
@ Tom Jackson

"I think it involves a nagging doubt that as long as "believers" exist, an atheist can never truly be intellectually comfortable with his position.

And I suspect that doubt is probably put there by God"

You must be joking. It is your position that should be intellectually uncomfortable as it is intellectually dishonest. Atheism is a lack of position, so be delusional all you want, just don't try to impose it on children or the rest of us.
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
Tyto, we've disagreed on this before, so it shouldn't surprise you that we would disagree now.
In YOUR eyes it seems wise, I pursue what I feel is wisdom as it pertains to MY intellectual growth . . on that we can both agree.

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