Makes you wonder if there really IS a hell......hmm.....
If people are inherently sinful, do severely mentally challenged people (who are unable to consciously make the decision of accepting Jesus) go to hell?
Sorta makes you challenge the human writings of the Bible, doesn't it.
People are not inherently sinful. That's why if a baby (or any child before he/she reaches puberty) dies, he/she goes straight to Heaven. Because he/she is clean and pure - without sin. Of course, that's something Christians don't believe in. But we Muslims do. We also believe that if a person is mentally ill and cannot make conscious decisions, he/she will not be held accountable for any sins committed on their part. So basically, they go to Heaven.
No, they don't.
Getting into hell requires the intent to get there and a decision to pursue that end.
Severely mentally challenged people do not have the capacity to make such a choice.
Fallacious assumptions all over the place here.
Sin is strictly a religious concept that has no existence in the real world.
Accepting jebus is something else that does not impact on the real world.
There is no evidence for a place called hell. So, no good reason to accept such a place.
The Bible does not support the hellfire doctrine in any way. The concept of eternal torture is man-made and is completely contradictory to what is acceptable to the Christian God, YHWH. To answer plainly, the severely mentally challenged do not suffer for eternity and neither does anyone else.