I think it's getting better. More Christians want to help the poor and are accepting science and gays, even before pope francis
I think it is changing, partly for the better and partly for the worse. It seems like many people (of a variety of religions) are becoming more extreme and forcing their views on people but also there does seem to be a slight increase in the number of people who just want to help others and live good lives.
True Christianity basics remain the same. What has changed is religions that have been formed in an attempt to get away from the direction that Jesus gave his followers. What man has done is to change things to suit his own personal likes and dislikes, instead submitting to the direction that Jesus gave.
It is just like the bible says it would be at 2Tim 4:3,4 "For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled. They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories."
Thus we have the variety of religions that call themselves Christian, but cater to the wishes of those that they attract.
The religion itself has HAD to change to stay viable in changing society.
From the way people dress to what is allowed regarding relationships... Soon, homosexuality will be added as acceptable.
Those who desperately want to hold onto the concept allow the concept to be malleable so future generations might consider it.
Yes many are christians in name only, they do not know nor understand that the bible is God's word, a book of instructions on how to live our life in a way that God approves of, and what he disapproves of. There are still some who are" worshiping God with spirit and truth for the Father is looking for such ones to worship him." John 4:23,24
The more Christianity comes to understand the nature of human beings and the nature of the world and God's plans for His creation, the more Christianity will change as it moves from potency to act.
That's why Christian tradition is important to understanding the Bible.
(God didn't just drop that book on the world, He planned to help all generations to understand it.)