I think I fit them all right .. That either means I have mutiple personality disorder or they're all sham .. Sham ? Sham's a word, I think. Scam !!! I think I meant scam then.
Yes im virgo to a t
I'm on a cusp - the ultimate split personality!
(I have no idea what the traits are for either sign.)
Since I went mental, it doesn't fit me well at all.
Yes. I'm a Virgo and I'm still a virgin, just ask my kids.
No... I don't like to cook!
Well I am a Capricorn..... Suppose to be very bossy (Pffft) and I guess be a baby maker or something...... I only have four kids and I NEVER tell anyone what to do...... Nope don't fit me at all! LOL!
Now get off this computer and make yourself useful like take out the trash or change the oil! Oh yah and I am pregnant again! LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Just kidding you all! :0)
yes I am Leo the lion.
Yeah I'm an Aquarius and I love water