You've limited the target group to the point you may not get an answer. What are you seeking to know?
What are your Beliefs about the Existence and Nature of God? I am looking to compare my answer to someone born in Africa. So if you are able to answer this for me, please tell me where in Africa you are born along with your answer. Thank you.
The Question - "What are your Beliefs about the Existence and Nature of God?"
My Answer - I do not believe in the concept of ANY God/Gods. Therefore the idea of a God existing is the same I apply to other myth based concepts. Now the as far as the Nature of God . . . That wholly depends upon WHICH God you are referring to. Most stories about the Abrahamic God of the Bible depict Him as Righteous, Just, Perfect, All Knowing, All Powerful, and All Present. This is the God concept I have had the most experience with. You could look into the Nature of Allah, Osiris or Zeus with just as much accuracy based on the Stories told about those particular God Concepts.
You will find the majority of people that come to this site are NOT born in Africa. I think you will find religious denominations tend to the same are very close to the same no matter what country.
You realize the people of Africa have individual beliefs as varied as the people of any other continent, right?
You would be better off trying to find an African forum on belief in God.
People born in Africa have many beliefs, Christian, Islam and Traditional African.
god is a particle not a person.
You are the god you seek.
Created out side of life.