Hazrat Usman RA was a very pious and a kind hearted person. Despite his conquests, including the expeditions at sea, in which the Islamic Empire reached up to Constantinople and his services in the compilation of Quran, number of charges were leveled against him, which put the Islamic State in to a state of disorder and ultimately resulted in his assassination. The first charge against him was the loss of Prophet's ring, made of silver, on which was inscribed 'Muhammad the Apostle of Allah' by him.
He was also charged of impious presumption in having taken his stand, or being the first made caliph on the upper most step of the pulpit where Holy Prophet SAW whereas Hazrat AbuBakr (RA) had stood one step lower and Hazrat Umar RA two. A graver acquisition, the one, which may merit consideration, was that he had placed men of worth eminent for their services, and given their places to his own relatives and the favorites.
Another allegiance leveled against Hazrat Usman RA was that he had lavished the public money upon parasites. And the best of them all was, the order of burning of all the Quranic material except those official copies compiled under the committee formed by Caliph.
He was also charged of impious presumption in having taken his stand, or being the first made caliph on the upper most step of the pulpit where Holy Prophet SAW whereas Hazrat AbuBakr (RA) had stood one step lower and Hazrat Umar RA two. A graver acquisition, the one, which may merit consideration, was that he had placed men of worth eminent for their services, and given their places to his own relatives and the favorites.
Another allegiance leveled against Hazrat Usman RA was that he had lavished the public money upon parasites. And the best of them all was, the order of burning of all the Quranic material except those official copies compiled under the committee formed by Caliph.