Maud La Roux answered
It's almost impossible to establish exactly when the zodiac was first invented, although some estimates have suggested it may have been about one millennium BC.
When were the zodiac signs first invented?
When were the zodiac signs first invented?
- The zodiac is believed to have first begun in the Babylonian empire. At some point during the height of Babylonian astronomy, the ecliptic was divided into twelve areas of equal celestial longitude.
- This system was developed further by the Babylonians, who eventually constructed a very sophisticated astronomical system.
- Years later, following Alexander the Great's invasion and hellenization of Babylonian lands, the Greeks adopted the Babylonian astronomical system.
- The Greeks allocated twelve animals to the twelve ecliptic areas that the Babylonians had identified. Eventually these signs became known as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
- Following the Roman invasion of Greek lands, the Romans adopted the Greek zodiac and introduced it into their empire.
- The current western zodiac is a direct descendent of the Roman model.