L would say that the people who were not taken up by the rapture are Sh-t Out of Luck. Who are the some people that picked that date? Everybody is stuck on 2012. As for why they were not taken up is because they were not fulled with the holy spirit. Many people profess to being Christin and on and on. L liken most people as taking out an insurance policy and not making the payments. Getting saved then going back to living the way one wants to live it.
Some Say That 5/21/2011 Is The Day Of Rapture. If It Is, What Happens The Next Day To Those Who Aren't Taken?
Please check out my website.
Some or all might say that, but honestly, the ONLY person that can say when judgment day, armageddon, or anything else like this is going to happen, is when God says so. We cannot predict His actions. That is why we are His CHILDREN. Hope this helps you out.