Is There Any Spell That Can A Human Into A Fairy...? Becuz I Wanna Be A Pure Fairy


2 Answers

Kiki Deliv Profile
Kiki Deliv answered
Not all fairies are evil.  That is a very sad stereo type.  Earth fairies especially are very kind in nature.  We as humans don't exactly have the right means to classify them though.  The legends we do have are most likely rewritten legends from when the catholic church took over and forced everybody to reform by making them think that it was wrong and sinful to think of fairies and other magical things as good beings.  So they rewrote all of the ancient legends and passed the old beliefs on as devil worship.  Have faith you'll figure it out.
Thomas Rohrer Profile
Thomas Rohrer answered
Alas, the closest you can get to that is being devoured and having your pieces reconstituted as a changeling. Trust me, you do NOT want to be a fairy. Unlike the countless Disney-style interpretations, true fairies (350 geni of the invertebrate order Pixaea) are devilish creatures. Most species are poisonous to some degree, and they all have a penchant for dark, dry environments (like your basement). They also have a significant effect on the passage of time: What can feel like a day struggling to escape a fairy's hive can turn out to have been several years outside. Not to mention, most of them (save Plocinsky's Fae, Sapiens plocinskis) have brains smaller than a grain of rice, and their smartest actions are commited in a swarm.

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