Can you force an employer to allow you to flaunt your religion?


15 Answers

John Profile
John answered
I hate to say this but if your  a muslim citizen you's like they(business owners) are afraid to tell a muslim person what to do when operating their own business for fear of some kind of retribution from the muslim nation or our own's crazy what they are allowed to get away with when any other religion is told you can't practice your faith here. I was reading a article that said a man was escorted from a mall for wearing a t -shirt with Jesus's image on it.another man was arrested for praying on a public sidewalk outside a abortion clinic. Even the wearing of their head dress is tolerated even over other peoples rights for safety/security. The one that really blows my mind is the tolerance of carrying the koran into public buildings while the bible is not allowed for fear of the muslim being converted somehow miraculously just by being near the bible in the same building.supposedly(rumors that escaped china through the internet) china banned the bible while allowing the quran in the olympic villages for fear of reactions from the muslim you can either believe this or not ,I say check into yourself and see why this allowed/tolerated/what is the real reasons behind denying the rights of all religions but the muslim/islamic faith. It may be something worth investigating further. Since I take all public news with a grain of salt I will stick with what the bible says and bible scholars who have studied the bible for longer than I have been alive and know what according to the bible is going to happen when the united states takes/allows another god over the one and only God.let's put it this way nothing good will come of this.: )
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John commented
As i said it's amaaaaaaaazing(spanky from little rascals) what a company will do to not upset islam but they will not hesitate to tell christians not to preach about disney endorsing the gay lifestyle. Oops did i say that. I guess God is giving them a little taste of what is coming for turning away from him and christian family values. I better quit before i say something over the line. Just my opinions.doh! Maybe thsi will get disney's attention and they will start chasing after god again.cont-
John commented
I can just see walt disney turning over in his grave for the way disney is going.
greg gowen
greg gowen commented
Mickey mouse is rolling over in his grave.
Pamela Krueger Profile
Pamela Krueger answered
No, you cannot flaunt your religion in the workplace...and if you do, be prepared to be dismissed.  However, the word "flaunt" would need to be clearly defined before any legal action begins.  Let's say a person worships on Sundays and his/her employer requires them to work on Sundays.  This should be discussed BEFORE any hiring takes place.  Maybe the employer can adust the schedule in order to accomodate the employee's religion by having the employee work every other Sunday.  If the job absolutely requires a person to work Sundays, this needs to be discussed during the interview, not after the employee is hired.  For example, it would be stated, "this job requires working on these specific days"...and then state those days.  Ask, "are  you able to work the days described in the job requirements."  Religion is generally not a topic to be discussed in the workplace since there are so many religious preferences.
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Lynne Dwyer
Lynne Dwyer commented
Nomad, that's the thing. For well more than the past 2+ years, she did not wear the hijab. She followed disney,employee policy. And had no problem with it. 3 diff jobs spanning over 4/5 years. Only until someone told her of a previous disney/religous suit. Only then, she filed suit. And continues it, even though disney has made every effort to placate. With continued employment.
John commented
I kind of thought so.dollar signs (cartoon) in her's amazing five years in the united states and she knows how to use her religion/beliefs to beat disney over the head (get it) with them.
Anonymous commented
True: Though in Christianity, you are SUPPOSED to be at church as many services as there are.
The bible tells you to listen to your elders: That means from your church, not that grumpy old lady living on the corner.
That means, if they schedule services 2x Saturday and once Wednesday, you are required to be at all those services, they feel the congregation needs it that many times, unless something else interferes that is a higher calling in the bible (pretty much just family illness/injury).
Meta Forrest Profile
Meta Forrest answered
No, religion has no place in a work environment.
David Lill Profile
David Lill answered
Flaunt,No.But Living it is another matter. Eg.If your faith teaches you to Put the needs of others above your own,No employer is going to say anything about that.Don't Hit people over the head with your faith,LIVE YOUR FAITH!
Keith Old Profile
Keith Old answered

Thank you for your question.

Your boss should respect your religious beliefs. However, you have also got to respect everybody else's rights at work and follow the rules unless there are good reasons not to,

nettie Profile
nettie answered
I know you can not treat anyone different because of their religion, but no one can flaunt their religion, on the job not even on company property if anyone complains that could cause you your job, however, you can not hold ones religion against them for a job if the person is quailified, ie. Muslim women wear their heads covered at all times when out in the public so that means they wear their head piece at work and it can not be held against them, but they can be fired for attempting to indoctrinate others into their religion while at work, or flaunting their religion at work as the company sees this as a distraction to others and can lead to dismissle...♥
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Lynne Dwyer
Lynne Dwyer commented
On the money. This muslim woman did not wear hear dress, thru 3 different jobs, on disney property, spanning several years. She followed employee code, to the leter. Until, of just late. Even given other options to continue employment, she refused, and filed a lawsuit.
John commented
Makes you think their nust be a motive behind it ,don't it. Wait for it.....i can just see the law suit coming for millions. That or a new reality show. : ) hahahahaha.
John commented
Oh! No you didn't! Hahahahaha ...make her wear the traditional mickey mouse ears on top of her head dress. She can't complain about that,every employee of disney wears the ears. Too far yeah too far well maybe not.sometimes you just have to laugh at the insanity of it all.
Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
No not legally and it could cost you your job
fabolous yomite Profile
fabolous yomite answered
If your religion is important to you than you your job then make a move but if not pend your religion and face the job coz you can't force your employer
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You could however, you could also be fired. Now you might say well I could sue because I was fired because of my religist(sp) beliefs. Were you or were you being a difficult employee?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Emphatically NO, Being a Christian and an HR expert myself, you may show your Cross or Holiday joys, but you cannot do it to the extent that you are assaulting people or harrassing them. You could be reprimanded. Mike
Katrina Ferguson Profile
Do not think so but it seems more and more that people from other countries have more rights here then American citizens that were born here
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Anonymous commented
You can talk about it under freedom of religion and speech, but the latter points you said were 100% true lol.
Lynne Dwyer
Lynne Dwyer commented
Thank you for returning, to see the comment. :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You could get a talking to over it, but you can to a point. However, if they try to reprimand you over it, you can cry religious discrimination.

As a Christian, you are REQUIRED by your religion to spread the word of Christ, even over other people's opinion for you: Remember, "you will be persecuted for my name" said Jesus.

As the US was originally founded as a Christian nation, the laws protect those rights. On the other hand, you also have to be mindful that all you do is Christian-based.

Now what I said here is LEGAL and MORAL, but NOT how the world always works obviously! Just because you have the legal RIGHT and OBLIGATION to do so, doesnt mean you wont run into problems over it.
Remember, Christians are baptized into Christs death: That also includes some suffering.

Since you ask though, I also have to tell you, John the Baptist spent some time in prison because he was doing as God wanted, even against the law. You are to obey the laws of the land, but not over God's commands.
Even if spreading the word is illegal, you are not encouraged, but rather REQUIRED to do it.

This is all if you are a Christian though, and your right to spread the word is because it's what your religion tells you to do; if your religion doesnt EMPHASIZE on spreading the word, then you are at less liberty.

Example: Catholic doctrines have many contradictions to the bible: Therefor Catholics are following THEIR doctrines over the bible, and thus the Doctrines are their official book, such as the Quaran for Muslims or the bible for Christians. As such, they usually can't specifically quote the bible for doing this. Ask a Christian where in the bible it says Paul was the first pope? There isn't. Also ask them where in the bible it says to pray to Mary? It says rather to ONLY pray to Jesus.

Because of this, Catholics could be considered exempt from it, as you can't claim to PARTIALLY follow a religion. Same thing on your end, if you want to try to push it so far, but you still go out and drink, lie, or have premarital sex, follow the bible and get the speck out of your own eye first, brother! :)
thanked the writer.
Lynne Dwyer
Lynne Dwyer commented
I'm sorry, you should have read the Q with a finer eye, the question had nothing to do with the so called, requirements of spreading the word, it had to do with using religion, as an excuse for financial gain, in the workforce. This woman continued her employment for seveal years, in several areas, with no problems due to her religion, until a relative told her that she could gain notiriety for demanding to wear her muslim head-dress. Which she hadn't the entire time of her employment.

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