Whether we need religion or not in this day and age is a very subjective topic.
Religious individuals will obviously claim that religion is needed, whereas atheists are likely to contend that it's not. Here's a few reasons that people believe we need religion in our lives.
People throughout the world have superstitious beliefs about loads of different things. Maybe you wear a lucky pair of socks when your favourite sport's team are playing, or tie your shoe laces in a certain way before a job interview.
These are just examples of behaviour that can be considered superstitious, but religion can often be a superstitious practice for many people. Do we need religion in this day and age? To superstitious religious people, the answer is a definite yes. Otherwise, things will go terribly wrong.... even if they can't explain how or why.
Religion provides millions of people with hope that something wonderful will be awaiting them after their life on earth is over. Whether that's heaven, or an eternity spent with those you love, hope can be a wonderful thing. For that reason, religion is probably needed for many people in this day and age.
The balance of punishment
The justice system sometimes fails us. Some people seem to be very lucky and get away with terrible crimes against their fellow humans. Religion allows people to imagine that justice will be served eventually, and that people will be punished for their sins in the afterlife.
What's the verdict?
Ultimately, if you're not a religious person, it's unlikely that you believe we need religion in this day and age. There are millions of people around the world, however, who do believe that religion is an important part of their lives. In this instance, I would argue that we DO need religion in this day and age.