Salah is also spelled and pronounced as Salat.
For Muslims, Salah is Arabic word for "Prayers". Muslims need to perform compulsory prayers, five time a day. At each prayer time, Azaan(or call for prayers) is made from Mosque. The Salah/Salat(Or Prayers) timings keeps on changing according to Sunset and Sunrise time. Name of Five Salah/Salat are:
Fajr-It begins approximately one hour and twenty minutes before sunrise and ends about ten minutes before sunrise.,
Zuhar-Begins just after the sun has passed the meridian,
Asar-Begins when the length of the shadow of an object is equal to the object’s length plus the shadow’s length at noon. It ends about 10 minutes before sunset.,
Maghrib-Begins immediately after sunset and ends when complete darkness approaches. This makes Maghrib Prayers time very short.
Isha-Begins when the sky is completely dark and ends just before the Dawn Prayer. As sunrise and sunset time keeps on changing, these prayers clock-time will change too and clock-time is determined by above process.
Also visit:
Details of Five Salah and their Significance,
Salah Time Calculator for different countries.
For Muslims, Salah is Arabic word for "Prayers". Muslims need to perform compulsory prayers, five time a day. At each prayer time, Azaan(or call for prayers) is made from Mosque. The Salah/Salat(Or Prayers) timings keeps on changing according to Sunset and Sunrise time. Name of Five Salah/Salat are:
Fajr-It begins approximately one hour and twenty minutes before sunrise and ends about ten minutes before sunrise.,
Zuhar-Begins just after the sun has passed the meridian,
Asar-Begins when the length of the shadow of an object is equal to the object’s length plus the shadow’s length at noon. It ends about 10 minutes before sunset.,
Maghrib-Begins immediately after sunset and ends when complete darkness approaches. This makes Maghrib Prayers time very short.
Isha-Begins when the sky is completely dark and ends just before the Dawn Prayer. As sunrise and sunset time keeps on changing, these prayers clock-time will change too and clock-time is determined by above process.
Also visit:
Details of Five Salah and their Significance,
Salah Time Calculator for different countries.