Josh 22:16, Jud 9:16, Jud 9:19, 1 Sam 14:33, 2 Chron 20:20, Isa 7:9, Isa 26:2, Hab 2:4, Mal 2:10,
Mal 2:11, Mal 2:14, Mal 2:15, Mal 2:16.
Offhand, I am aware of at least 15 locations, and the Hebrew Scriptures often employ the term "faithfulness"; or "faithful".
"Faith", however, is not as important as the quality of "love".
"Faith" is built on "love". Thus, as "love" is cultivated, "faith" is manifested.
"Faith" is fulfilled. "Love" continues forever.
The quality of "loyalty" is also a higher quality, which Jehovah cherishes.
"He has told you, O man, what is good. And what is Jehovah requiring of you? Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, And to walk in modesty with your God!"- Micah 6:8
"Loyalty" is linked to "love".
And "loyal love" originates with Jehovah, himself.
"Justice" and "modesty" are also linked with "love".
The term "faith" is more frequently found in the Greek Scriptures, where "faith" in the promised "messiah", was not adequately displayed. And that, also, was the result of a failure to cultivate divine "love".
I heard that they are coming out with a newer new testiment
next year but only in two languages.