Megan, your beliefs are your own. You have the right to believe what you want; you have the right to defend your beliefs in a respectful way just as I hope that you will be as respectful when someone disagrees with you. If you are living at home, this is normally a touchy subject especially if your parents are Christians and you are not. Sometimes, the less said is better until you move out. Hope this helps.
Sure it is, you cant expect people to not be skeptical or have doubt. The good thing about America is that it doesn't matter what your beliefs are.
No!! God will be angry. Haha jk, Megan, I'm an atheist, I don't believe in god. My beliefs are my own, just as yours are. It is perfectly okay if you don't believe in god, oki doki Loki? ^^
You have 1 less problem to worry about now.
You are the only one who can decide if it is "alright." The wrongness of the decision is subjective, and depending on who's opinion you hold in highest regard, could be answered positively or negatively.
Yes it is not only wrong and sad that you can look at the universe and the human body and say all this just happened, it took no intelligence to bring this about. Everything that has been built on earth has a designer no building,train,airplane,boat just appeared, not to mention our awesom DNA. We are encouraged to worship God because he is our Creator, Revelation 4:11. God does exist even though you have chosen not to worship Him.
When you say alright, what exactly do you mean? You have the right to make that decision about belief in God. A better question would be what difference in life you will have from making that choice. Please don't let me or anyone else make that decision for you.
Take the time to see for yourself what a difference it will make. Here is something that you can look at to start the examining process.