Clearly no. There is little agreement on crucial points between various theistic religions, even to the point of direct opposition; to include the number, intent, and very character of gods, even within factions of the same religion. One has to question whether (or why) any supposedly omnipotent, divine being or beings would create, sponsor or reveal such widely disparate, even contradictory sets of beliefs. All of the gods man has ever observed have been florid reflections of the ideals of those who worshipped them.
It has been shown with copious historical evidence that all current religious dogmas are derived and evolved from still earlier belief systems, most of which are now generally categorized as mythology. There were once entire cultures of people who worshipped Zeus, Thor, or Ra; though none of these deities has ever been disproven, they have few, if any, followers now. At some time hence, so will it be with the current crop of gods.
There is little or no intelligent reasoning to conclude what now passes (or has ever passed) for god-based religion wasn't conjured by the minds of men.