No. It is forbidden in Islam completely.
One drop of urine can impure wudhu in Islam , and you r asking to drink ?
Why would they want or need to do that, urine is waste from your body if your body gets rid of it why would you want to put it back in your body regardless if it is yours or someone elses urine sounds nasty to me, never heard of Islam condoning or encouraging this type of behavior......the best to you
Sahi Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 590: Narrated Anas: The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so the Prophet ordered them to follow his shepherd, i.e. His camels, and drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they followed the shepherd that is the camels and drank their milk and urine till their bodies became healthy. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels. When the news reached the Prophet he sent some people in their pursuit. When they were brought, he cut their hands and feet and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron.
This is sucha s t you p I d question....
You know there are so many rituals in todays world and people practice them regardless of of that it is part of the religion or not. There are so many rituals practiced in islam and christianity which are not part of religion or people are no it. Urine is a waste from body and harmful to be kept inside the body. It contains such substances or disposed in such a form that cannot be taken in again...a common sense is required here. According to religious point of view a single drop of urine can make you unclean physicaly and spritualy and you cannot pray in such condition while you become unclean due to urine. But you can see that in this world you can find every kind of sin and every kind of lust world is suffering from. People when get into lust and make it a ritual they feel it as it bring no harm to them.. It is just like those people who have same sex marriage, men who drink milk of their wives, walking around naked and drinking alcohol and so many other things... The only problem is that we see things with closed eyes and reserved mind and because of our physical lust and greedness we cross those borders God restricted us to do so.
You know there are so many rituals in todays world and people practice them regardless of of that it is part of the religion or not. There are so many rituals practiced in islam and christianity which are not part of religion or people are no it. Urine is a waste from body and harmful to be kept inside the body. It contains such substances or disposed in such a form that cannot be taken in again...a common sense is required here. According to religious point of view a single drop of urine can make you unclean physicaly and spritualy and you cannot pray in such condition while you become unclean due to urine. But you can see that in this world you can find every kind of sin and every kind of lust world is suffering from. People when get into lust and make it a ritual they feel it as it bring no harm to them.. It is just like those people who have same sex marriage, men who drink milk of their wives, walking around naked and drinking alcohol and so many other things... The only problem is that we see things with closed eyes and reserved mind and because of our physical lust and greedness we cross those borders God restricted us to do so.
What a retarded question!! It must be a practise in christianity when they do baptism. No islam does not have that ritual.
Of course. Muslims don't drink alchocol, so they drink piss to get them drunk.