It's hard to say. She never talks about it in any interview I saw. But, You have to be a person of faith to go against the grain and sing devote Christian songs on Jay Leno. Of all the number one hits she had to choose from she sang about the struggle and joy of Christ. Her character is totally different from the usual celebrity. She's humble does not give herself any credit for anything. Another proof of God working in her life was some how to get Rober Plant to sing "Down to the River to pray" I'm talking ROBERT PLANT!!! Looks like she captured him more than he captured her. For her to sing those songs and to have there Cox Family, Ron Block and a few more devote believers shows that she can be a Christian believer. I think the world has her some but I have never heard of her living the usual party, sex, multiple marriages, so on and son type of life. I think she is a Christian perhaps better than myself. God is with her all the way. I saw her in person a few times and she was just this nice person, non assuming, a bit shy and humble girl.