It's kind of like you never give your teeth a second thought until you get a tooth ache.
You never realize how much you may use a finger until it gets burned or has something that's causing it pain. This is when you pay attention to these things.
The same goes for God, it is easier to almost forget about God in good times and in bad times we either pray to him or sometimes curse at him.
I'm not particularly religious myself, but I have talked to many that are.
I met a man from India and he told me something I had never really thought about. He said "You must always thank God" I said "Oh yea when things are good for sure" and he replied "No. You thank him when times are bad, you thank him when times are good - You always must thank him for this life"
I don't know if that comes from a book or if it was off the top of his head, but it makes a lot of sense even to me.
You never realize how much you may use a finger until it gets burned or has something that's causing it pain. This is when you pay attention to these things.
The same goes for God, it is easier to almost forget about God in good times and in bad times we either pray to him or sometimes curse at him.
I'm not particularly religious myself, but I have talked to many that are.
I met a man from India and he told me something I had never really thought about. He said "You must always thank God" I said "Oh yea when things are good for sure" and he replied "No. You thank him when times are bad, you thank him when times are good - You always must thank him for this life"
I don't know if that comes from a book or if it was off the top of his head, but it makes a lot of sense even to me.