Have you had any weird dreams? Most recently, I was being chased by a shark underwater. I could never swim away that fast in reality! lol


2 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile

I was at work when an alien invasion of insect like creatures occured. They had the head of a fly and the body of a praying mantis with the hard shell of an ant and were about 7 feet tall. They carried weapons that looked similar to Zerg from Toy Story. I managed to kill one with my knife and grab it's weapon. From there, my coworkers and I were able to escape. We survived by hiding in the many buildings of the downtown area.

Kristen Storm Profile
Kristen Storm answered

I had one once where I had a shark in my pool that proceeded to try climb OUT the pool to get to me lol it was rather strange. I've had more than a few really weird ones but figured I'd share my shark one for you :P

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