I grew up learning that when you dream of death it signaled new beginnings, i.e. Baby on the way in the family, new job, new marriage, etc. For the first time I had a dream I died. I am here today and will be tomorrow and the next. The dream does signifying a new beginning in my life, with things changing for the good and I love it.
Usually dreaming of death means that a pregnancy or birth will occur within your family or close friends.
I had a dream that I was murdered! It freaked me out so bad I got up so I wouldnt fall back in to the same dream. But when I laid back down I went to the same dream. I don't know what it means it driving me nuts today. It was the worst dream ive ever had
Yeah, its right what some people are saying here... When you dream you are dead, in real life you will die. Why do people wake up in the process of dying or before they dies... Some people are lying here. No one has ever finished a dream and if there is anyone please tell us why you are alive.. If you end a dream you definately die... SO ABOUT DREAMS ITS REALLY HARD TO INTERPRET THEM, AND THESE EXPERTS LIE a lot ABOUT THE DREAMS COZ AV ALSO STUDIED ABOUT DREAMS TOO AND TOOK A CONTROVERSIAL IDEA AND TURNS ON THEM... THEY ARE REALLY HARD..
If you have a dream of yourself dying it means that you really died. Its like when people say...if you have a dream about jumping off a cliff...wake up before you hit the bottom. SO...you didn't really die in your dream. Being unconscious or knocked out in your dream is a possibility
I think if you die in a dream you will die in real life...... Because always when I'm about to die I wake up before it happens
If you die in your dream you would always die in real life that why you always wake up before it happens.Cause if you get to die in your dream you will have a heart attack and die