Yes it is true that should not for 2 reasons which have been discovered only in last couple decades. One is that the normal human body has toxins. So when a man wear gold the toxins in his body are concentrated and in the blood system which goes to the heart and brain...increase chance of al-timers disease. Every month for women she goes through her menstrual cycles and these toxins are released so she is not affected, 2nd is that it affects the sperm. It affect the Y chromosome and so more X chromosomes are left meaning more girl babies..
Yes it is true.... The prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said that men can wear silver and copper and any other metal except gold, and they are also not alowed to wear silk. Women can wear all metals including gold, and silk is acceptable to wear too.
Yes it true, Muslim men don't wear gold, however there are some men who claim to be muslim that do wear gold!
They should not but that doesn't mean that they follow that rule. Depends if that man in particular follows that rule, being muslim is all about choices. You choose to pray, fast in ramadan, give to the poor, be patient, forgiving... So they should not, but some do and some don't..
Yes it is totally true as it has been ordered by Allah that men cannot wear gold but women can.
Yes it is true they cannot were gold or white gold I don't no about silk tho
Yes, it's true
Yes Is It 'True' I will research to know why
Yup it may be dependent our their selves but it is not restricted to all the muslims mens to wear Gold the mens use to wear gold like you can see that in their neck and fingers.
I saw the Saudi King with a gold ring.. I don't think its wrong to wear gold
No, that is not true.
No its not true...muslim men wear gold...