
The Date Of Death Of Hazrat Aisha R.a. And Where She Buried?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Simon Ockley in his "The History of the Saracens" states the following:"There is a tradition that Ayesha was murdered by the direction of Moawiyah, and the following particulars are recorded:—Ayesha having resolutely and insultingly refused to engage her allegiance to Yezid, Moawiyah invited her to an entertainment, where he had prepared a very deep well or pit in that part of the chamber reserved for her reception, and had the mouth of it deceptively covered over with leaves and straw. A chair was then placed upon the fatal spot, and Ayesha, on being conducted to her seat, instantly sank into eternal night, and the mouth of the pit was immediately covered with stones and mortar".Ibne Khuldun,a Sunni historian in "Tarikh-e-Ibne-Khuldun held Marwan and his family responsible for the murder of Hazrat Aisha.Imam Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti,a notable Sunni scholar mentions the killing of Hazrat Aisha.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well bibi Ayesha was murdered by Moawiyah and buried her alive in a pit dug by him when he called her on a lunch or dinner....
Datz why no one can specifically point out the exact location of the grave of bibi Ayesha...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Same as ali 110khos.

I am a shia and I have studied about ahlulbait, and I agree with ali110
you ali madad bro
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Even iam confused!!!! Is the story about her murder correct? Is it authentic? I guess her shrine is in madina as our prophet shrine is also there and as she was with him during his end days...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Aisha (may God be well-pleased with her) is buried in Medina, the illuminated city of the Prophet, in the graveyard called Baqee', where many other wives of the Prophet, companions, and great scholars are also buried. She was 65 when she passed on, in the year 658 AD.

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