If you get bitten by a snake in your dream, it's supposed to represent your fears and anxieties getting the better of you.
There's no evidence that the content of your dreams actually means anything, but people who believe in dream interpretation tend to think that snakes are symbolic of deep fears and anxieties that might even be hidden. Naturally, this makes it pretty difficult to pinpoint the alleged meaning of the dream, as the fears that are represented in it are subconscious.
The best way to figure out what they might be is to analyze the circumstances of the snake's appearance. Think about what happened immediately before the snake appeared, and where the snake was. Who else was present in your dream? If you can remember any of that, it might shed some light onto what the snake is representing.
The fact that the snake bit you is supposed to show a fear of these anxieties actually causing you problems or realizing themselves. For example, if you had a subconscious fear of being abandoned, a dream about getting bitten by a snake when you're walking somewhere with your mother could represent your fear of her leaving you. Again, it's all speculative, so don't worry too much!
The fact that the snake bit you is supposed to show a fear of these anxieties actually causing you problems or realizing themselves. For example, if you had a subconscious fear of being abandoned, a dream about getting bitten by a snake when you're walking somewhere with your mother could represent your fear of her leaving you. Again, it's all speculative, so don't worry too much!