
I Dream That I Kiss A Guy What Does That Mean?


11 Answers

Nadya Bean Profile
Nadya Bean answered
I'm pretty sure you like him... But sometimes not.. It all depends if you dream about him a lot and think bout him a lot too
Rocknrollprincess Luvvi Profile
Ok means you aer SO hurts..girl up and talk to him!!! And well if you dream means he can be dreaming about you too!
lj rogers Profile
lj rogers answered
I had that dream and then in a couple of days it happened and it was weird so I would say you are seeing into the future
joyce Profile
joyce answered
Well, to me, it sounds like down deep you really want to be with and kiss this other guy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You might like him. When you think about that dream how does it make you feel and when you think of the guy that you kissed then I'll find your answer
Sapiens Profile
Sapiens answered
It means you like the person you are kissing,
Kyoko Katayama Profile
Kyoko Katayama answered
Don't be silly, Sarah.  Dreams aren't silly.  They predict the future with unerring accuracy (if you believe).
mary crazy Profile
mary crazy answered
You know, I had that dream to last night, I was kissing the guy very passionately, but the thing was that I knew who it was in my dreams, but I can't remember who it was like two weeks ago I was really into this kid named michael. And for like 2 or 3 straight nights I was dreaming that he rode my bus to school for some reason and he sat behind me and diagonally, but yeah who knows....

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