
What Does Ad Mean In The Bible?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It stands for the latin word "Amino Domini" which simply means after the year of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It does not stand for his death, as that would mean that Jesus's life had no time marked at all, at least 33 years. In other words, Jesus would be 20 years old in the year 20 AD. Get it? It has nothing to do with His death. Remember this came about years after Jesus was crucified because of His impact on the world. So AD is not the "After Death of Christ" as so many believe.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It stand for Amino Domini , latin for ' of our lord '
Eg.   '2009AD' stand for 'The 2009th year of our lord'
In other words he died 2009 years ago.
By he I mean the man Christ so BC stands for Before Christ.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
AD means anno domini. If it meant after death, as in the death of Christ, we would be missing the years He lived.
John Profile
John answered
I believe it is amino domini,the year of our lord.....or what I like to call B.C. Before christ birth  and A.D. After his death and resurrection....: )
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means Anno Dominni meaning Year of our lord in Latin. It dous not mean After Death because then crist would have died when he was born
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ad stands for After Death.
Chris Profile
Chris answered
I believe that it means after dominion....after the time of Christ.  Previous to this time it is called BC, or before Christ.

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