Where Do Vampires Come From?


43 Answers

Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
The word vampire comes from the Hungarian vampir, and this part of Europe is most strongly associated with the legend, although tales of bloodsucking night creatures can be found in many parts of the world.

Nowadays many people, if you asked them about vampires, would tell you the classic story of Count Dracula. However, the Dracula story, although inspired by the real-life medieval Romanian ruler Vlad ("the impaler") is a complete fiction of the Victorian author Bram Stoker.

There are many theories as to how the vampire legend might have started. Perhaps the most interesting is the possibility that it may have been inspired by various blood diseases which can cause the victims to become pale and their teeth to retract, giving rise to the idea of the vampire. Also, there is a psychological condition known as vampirism, in which the sufferers actually do crave blood; some have even gone so far as to attack others and attempt to drink their blood.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hi i was born in romainia and i am a vampiress. I am very open about it and i do not feed off of human blood. I eat food like normal people lol I bearth... Although i don't have to. I do not like sunlight although i can survive in it... I burns a bit.
tamara ognenovski Profile
They can live anywhere even in your own street
alex hendrson Profile
alex hendrson answered
Translvanya or there sire AKA daddy or mommy
Yukii Riyuzaki Profile
Yukii Riyuzaki answered
I think its not quite good to hear if you say, ''where do vampire comes from'', vampires live everywhere and who knows? Your neighbor might be one...I'm studying all about vampires cause I want to know what am I really, I'm not quite sure about it, I may be one of them but I know I shouldnt expect much, the answer of your question is not in one spot, vampires can live everywhere that is all about
Emelie White Profile
Emelie White answered
Actually, the theory of vampires did NOT come from Bram Stoker's novel. Many before him had written such stories suggesting there are blood sucking beings out in the world. It's probably better to research before you answer questions....Especially since some of you give the wrong answer. The word "vampire" first appeared in the Oxford English dictionary in 1734. When Austria first gained control of Serbia and Oltenia in 1718 there were reports of people exhuming bodies and killing vampires. Bram Stoker didn't write and publish his novel until 1897.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't believe vampires are real but it would be cool if they were.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am a real vampire I should know they can live anywhere not just specifically romania
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
These people that are pretending to be vampires are absolutely pathetic. I was looking for the history of where the legend of vampires had come from, not to read stupid yahoo users describe that they're a vampire, with horrible grammar and spelling I might add.
Get a life and let the people with useful information and true curiosity respond.
Raven Crawford Profile
Raven Crawford answered
Originally we came from a very rare mutated virus, hence why the first of our kind were nearly insane and obsessed with taking blood for life. But now we have learned to calm down and stay mostly hidden.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Wow thats intresting for my research paper
Ms.Adams HR english class
woodridge freindship edision middle school
Fallingn Star
Fallingn Star commented
That I can believe. Please tell more if you can I am very interested. I too believe that there are others who are not the same as humans walking around here with us. I for one am happy to know that there are other kind of beings around here to share the world with.
jade dolan
jade dolan commented
Ok so who do u do that then is it hard or was it easy to do ? Tell me ....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are psychic vampires who steal your energy instead of your blood - I believe in these having been preyed on by a few,. So blood = life force.
Omer Butt Profile
Omer Butt answered
Vampires live in Graves, Old Buildings, Can be in Caves and Jungles where no one comes. They won't like to be disturbed much! They are kind of loners.
Shanon Collins Profile
Shanon Collins answered
Vampires could live anywhere. It's not like they are that much different from human beings. Well other than the fact that they are mainly nocturnal, drink blood, and have a high tolerance to pain and strength.....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They live in dark places where any of the ordinary man would feel uncomfortable probbly in the midst of any thick forest or any haunted plces rarely visited by people. The place where they live may be  few degrees colder than the surrounding places.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have lived in many different states in around the us and I didnt believe in vampires until I moved to seattle three years ago and had an strange experience on a city bus with a guy who looked liked he was homeless teenager trying to get my phone number,when he touched my hand his skin was so hot it burned me it was scary,I didnt want to be rude and I was on my way home from work so I talked to him for a bit  and when I looked at his face it was like he was hypnotizing me or something I couldnt  look away I was freaked out now and his eyes looked liked they started to glow also had a thin black ring in iris of them also he kept telling me he had all these things and about his job and car but I knew he was lying because and it was like he was reading my mind or something he finally lost interest in me when I told him he couldnt come home with me and moved to the back of the bus and I ran off at my stop, then moved to New York and had a similar experience with two other young males and they followed me home also another in oregon, I think I believe in vampires and then I don't because of all the stuff about them being cold skinned and only coming out at night but I know what I saw and experience and it was real and not to scary but they looked like regular people do, like you and or a normal person on the street
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They live in dark places. You can tell if one is living by you if they have pail wight skin, cold skin, they are mostly to them selves, talk like they are not from here, don't eat, drink,or sleep, disappear when it is a nice hot day. I know what it is like. You feel like a monster and wish you were free. Trust me...I know
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I think there are vampires that walk among us. Not only vampires but also unknown creatures. We think this is not true because we weren't born to believe it. The government knows all of these things but they don't want us to know because we will ask too many questions. Ask your self one question. Where did these people find the idea to do all of these movies. Everything around you is real. But to the government what you don't know won't hurt you. Know what world your living in.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is no such thing as a vampire. Those that believe they are real or think they are one need to go see a therapist or mental health associate. If you are looking for real answers I suggest looking in the Bible. Everything you need is in that book.  The bible say 'for God so loved the world that he gave his only Son  so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life with him in Paradise.'
Remember Jesus loves you no matter  who you are or what you have done he will always forgive you. He knows every little thing about you he knows how many hairs are on your head and what you want from this life. God Bless
Aaron Brown Profile
Aaron Brown answered
Actually the easiest way to determine where one of us lives is
if the house is always cold
if there are no lights on (excluding if they arent there)
and eny just to tell you we don't live forever although that would be very cool
and if you got to go to school... Look for a slayer to help you around humans :)
Sonja Profile
Sonja answered
The tale actually originated from the bible. The story of Cain and his brother Able.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh yeah my grandma came from italy so that means I must have a little bit of vampire in me too....God you people need to get a life....vampires may be real but just because your born somewhere doesnt mean you really are one.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Yeah I'm from Seattle where it's cool and moist. My front cuspids are slightly pointed, and my father seems older, wise beyond his years--much more than what his body lets on. Maybe we have vampire genes in our blood. C'mon! You all are a bunch of assclowns. You probably believe in the DaVinci Code too. One good book written by Bram Stoker "Dracula" ions ago, and the world conjures a supernatural conspiracy. Dipshits.
Mary at  your service   :) Profile
Vampires can come from any where. You could be born in Brazil and be a vampire. It doesn't matter where you were born or who your related to.
E.J Harris Profile
E.J Harris answered
Lol didnt they first apparently come from Transylvania, Romania or something or am  I wrong??
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nobody no were vampires live...hahaha...and there is no vampires...they were bat now they all are death...:)

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