
What Does It Mean When The Same Guy Is In My Dreams 3 Nights In A Row?


6 Answers

Private Profile
Private answered
I don't necessarily know what it means, but I can give you some advice - if you know who the guy is, concentrate on him and try making conversation to see what you feel for him. If there is something there, get to know him and find out what he likes in a girl. Try to find out how he feel about you, too!
Good luck,
Hope this helps,
Flirta9 x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ive got the same problem but I have a boyfriend and for the past week ive been dreaming about another guy that ive previously had feelings for! Does this mean I really like this guy and should break up with my boyfriend or will the dreams stop? I need help please xx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've got the same problem 5 days straight!!!! HE ALWAYS APEAR ON MY DREAMS!!!! WHAT DOES IT MEANS? PLEASE HELP
Kayla Profile
Kayla answered
I had the same thing about a week ago but I had a dream about this guy I use to date and he was in my dream for 2 nights in a row. I'm not sure if I still like him. I think I'm over him. But I want to know what it means.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I fell in love.  but he dumped me and so I dreamed of him texting me but he never did he hated for no reason so it took me 6 months to get over him and I had swine wen I got over him (wen I got swine I acted a lil dif but not much) and anyways this is weird but it helped me a lot!  pretend hes there and act like hes your bf and stuff its so weird but it helped me a lot!  for some reason :)  good luck and if I where you I would let him no how you feel
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Keep the relationship strong, bro sis relations are the best because he can count on you for anythn, but try once in a while to talk about a future or marriage or being in love and by his repsonses ull automatically know... Itll just be this feeling inside.

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