
What Month Is Capricorn?


2 Answers

Maud La Roux Profile
Maud La Roux answered
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, Capricorns are born between 22nd of December and the 19th of January.

What month is Capricorn? People who are born Capricorns are said to possess similar positive and negative properties...

On the positive side,

  • Capricorns are known to be prudent with their money and practical around the house.
  • They are both ambitious and disciplined- which makes them very career orientated people.
  • Capricorns are usually patience fellows, and steer away from rash decisions or activities.
  • They are known to be both humorous and reserved in equal measure. 
On the downside...

  • They are the quintessential pessimists.
  • Capricorns have sometimes been accused of being somewhat miserable.

Capricorn month The sign is represented by a picture of a goat with a fish's tail, because, as the legend goes, the goat-god Pan was attacked by a monster and was driven into the nile. Allegedly the parts of the god above the water remained goat, whilst the parts underneath turned into a fish.

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